Using a measuring tape is the best and most accurate method to determine your ring size. For the best results, make sure to give enough space to accommodate your knuckle.
The short answer is yes. Lab-grown diamonds have been instrumental to the shift of the jewelry and diamond industry in a new era of sustainability, offering a mindful alternative in an ecosystem previously dominated by mined diamonds.
While solid gold doesn’t tarnish or fade, it does need a little pick-me-up from time to time. Wearing your DIΛMÍND pieces everyday—as intended—can lend its way to dirt accumulation, which is never pretty.
Choosing a diamond can be an overwhelming process and we are here to help. Selecting the right stone begins with understanding the characteristics of a diamond, aka the 4Cs.
Gold is most often classified by a numerical value followed by ‘k’, for karat. Karatage is a value assigned to any mass of gold, and it depends on how many parts of pure gold are mixed with alloys to create 24 parts total.